Field: Poems by Allan Justo Pastrana
Field: Poems by Allan Justo Pastrana
"If poetry indeed dwells in possibility and traffics in uncertainty, Allan Justo Pastrana’s new collection Field is testament to such. The sequence revels in the interstices of poetic thought and phrasing, celebrating in syntax, form, and aural/visual syncopations language’s malleability. Here, etymology is teeming with implication, an inexact thing that demands re-invented cataloguing, re-definitions. The poems weave in and out of the historical, political, and familial as dominant concerns: unflinching in their claiming and figuring, in allusions, in the nuanced codification that straddles two languages. Field is, ultimately, both an ode and elegy that frames into view a nation’s post-coloniality—progressing its lyric and, in the process, etching in stone the many forgotten names therein."
– Joel M. Toledo
Paperback, 6.5 x 8 in.
ISBN 978-621-8409-00-2
Published 2024